Community National Schools

Community National Schools (CNS) are child-centred, multidenominational, publicly-accountable schools which strive to provide high quality education for every child. They give equal opportunities to all children in the communities they serve. They were established in 2008 and are managed by the Education and Training Boards (ETBs).
Who owns these schools and what difference does it make?
So, what will my child experience in a Community National School?

The Community National School characteristic spirit is centred around five core values
Excellence in Education
In terms of ‘Excellence in Education’ your child will be provided with a child-centred education that caters for their intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual needs. They will have the highest calibre of teacher who will challenge them at their level and guide their learning in a manner appropriate to their individual needs. Children in CNSs experience the curriculum in the most innovative, stimulating ways to enhance their love of learning

Our schools promote a fully inclusive education that recognises the plurality of identities, beliefs and values held by students, parents and staff. We prepare open-minded, culturally sensitive and responsible citizens with a strong sense of shared values.
These five core values are closely inter-related and are collectively unique to the Community National Schools.
Further information on Community National Schools can be found at